Sunday, November 6, 2011

StyledImageView custom control in LiveCode (part 2)

In the previous post, we started to work on a StyledImageView custom control, inspired by chapter 10 of the book 'Objective-C and Cocoa: Up and running' by Scott Stevenson. Just as a reminder, here's the original we're trying to mimic:

How far did we get last time?

- A background gradient behind the image
- An image with a 4px white border
- A drop shadow below the image

And our custom control group has a behavior button script to handle resizing and toggling the display of the drop shadow. Now we come to the tricky part:

- A sheen over the image

Perhaps it's best to explain what a 'sheen' is: a visual effect that displays a glossy white overlay, clipped to a bezier curve, rendering the illusion of a light source in the upper-left corner of the image. Cute, but how does one implement it? Scott used a linear gradient (tilted slightly to enhance the illusion) to fill a path determined by the edges of the image and a bezier path. As LiveCode doesn't have bezier curves on offer, it was time to think a bit differently.

Let's start with the gradient. Linear gradients are not too difficult to implement; but we have to give it the right angle. Trigonometry has never been my best subject, but I remembered anough to figure out how to rotate the gradient by 10 degrees. And the LiveCode documentation came with example code for converting degrees to radians.
Here's an update for the "Create" button:

on mouseUp
local tGroup
CreateCustomControlGroup "StyledImageView", tGroup
CreateBackgroundGraphic tGroup
CreateViewImage tGroup
CreateSheen tGroup
set the behavior of tGroup to the long id of button "StyledImageView Behavior"
set the showShadow of tGroup to true
end mouseUp

private command CreateCustomControlGroup pGroupName, @rGroupId
-- same as before, omitting for brevity
end CreateCustomControlGroup

private command CreateBackgroundGraphic pGroup
-- same as before, omitting for brevity
end CreateBackgroundGraphic

private command CreateViewImage pGroup
-- same as before, omitting for brevity
end CreateViewImage

private command CreateSheen pGroup
CreateSheenGradient pGroup
end CreateSheen

private command CreateSheenGradient pGroup
reset the templateGraphic
set the style of the templateGraphic to "Rectangle"
set the rectangle of the templateGraphic to 30,130,370,310
set the lineSize of the templateGraphic to 0
set the opaque of the templateGraphic to true
set the fillGradient["type"] of the templateGraphic to "linear"
set the fillGradient["from"] of the templateGraphic to 30,130
set the fillGradient["to"] of the templateGraphic to 61,307
set the fillGradient["via"] of the templateGraphic to 207,99
set the fillGradient["ramp"] of the templateGraphic to \
"0.00000,255,255,255" & return & \
"0.40000,255,255,255,51" & return & \
"0.79999,255,255,255,13" & return & \
"0.80000,255,255,255,0" & return & \
create graphic "GradientGraphic" in pGroup
reset the templateGraphic
end CreateSheenGradient

Delete the existing custom control group and hit the button again. You should see the gradient graphic on top of the image control.

We'll also have to update the resizing logic in our behavior script, but I'll leave that for later. Our next challenge is the bezier curve, and how we can construct a path to clip the gradient to it. And then it struck me: we can achieve the same effect (in this case) by creating an oval graphic and then clip that out of the gradient graphic.

Inspiration came from an old blog post by RunRev's Mark Waddingham. The original blog is no onger on the web, but thanks to the Wayback Machine internet archive, I was able to dig up this snapshot. Here's the gist: you take two control, comlbine them into a group, and then use different blend modes for the group and graphics to achieve soft clipping.
The only difference: Mark talks about clipping something down to a graphic shape, whereas I wanted to clip a graphic shape out of the original shape. But as it turns out to, this was as easy as picking a different blend mode for the clipping graphic. So let's use this knowledge to once more update the "Create" button:

on mouseUp
local tGroup
CreateCustomControlGroup "StyledImageView", tGroup
CreateBackgroundGraphic tGroup
CreateViewImage tGroup
CreateSheen tGroup
set the behavior of tGroup to the long id of button "StyledImageView Behavior"
set the showShadow of tGroup to true
end mouseUp

private command CreateCustomControlGroup pGroupName, @rGroupId
-- same as before, omitting for brevity
end CreateCustomControlGroup

private command CreateBackgroundGraphic pGroup
-- same as before, omitting for brevity
end CreateBackgroundGraphic

private command CreateViewImage pGroup
-- same as before, omitting for brevity
end CreateViewImage

private command CreateSheen pGroup
local tSheenGroup
reset the templateGroup
set the rectangle of the templateGroup to 30,130,370,310
set the lockLocation of the templateGroup to true
set the margins of the templateGroup to 0
set the ink of the templateGroup to "blendSrcOver"
create group "SheenGroup" in pGroup
put it into tSheenGroup
reset the templateGroup

CreateSheenGradient tSheenGroup
CreateSheenClipping tSheenGroup
end CreateSheen

private command CreateSheenGradient pGroup
-- same as before, omitting for brevity
end CreateSheenGradient

private command CreateSheenClipping pGroup
reset the templateGraphic
set the style of the templateGraphic to "Oval"
set the rectangle of the templateGraphic to 10,10,10,10
set the ink of the templateGraphic to "blendDstOut"
set the lineSize of the templateGraphic to 0
set the opaque of the templateGraphic to true
create graphic "ClippingGraphic" in pGroup
set the rectangle of it to -21,154,761,586
reset the templateGraphic
end CreateSheenClipping

Delete the existing custom control group and hit the button again.

Getting there - now we just need to extend the behavior script with the logic to properly resize these new parts:

## engine message handlers

on mouseDoubleUp
-- same as before, omitting for brevity
end mouseDoubleUp

on resizeControl
-- same as before, omitting for brevity
end resizeControl

## property setters and getters

setProp showShadow pShowShadowBoolean
-- same as before, omitting for brevity
end showShadow

setProp showSheen pShowSheenBoolean
set the visible of group "SheenGroup" of me to pShowSheenBoolean
end showSheen

getProp showSheen
return the visible of group "SheenGroup" of me
end showSheen

setProp imageFileName pFileName
-- same as before, omitting for brevity
end imageFileName

getProp imageFileName
-- same as before, omitting for brevity
end imageFileName

## private commands and functions

private command SIV_ReshapeControl
local tImageRectangle
SIV_DetermineImageRectangle tImageRectangle
SIV_ReshapeImage tImageRectangle
SIV_ReshapeSheen tImageRectangle
end SIV_ReshapeControl

private command SIV_DetermineImageRectangle @rImageRectangle
-- same as before, omitting for brevity
end SIV_DetermineImageRectangle

private command SIV_ReshapeBackground
-- same as before, omitting for brevity
end SIV_ReshapeBackground

private command SIV_ReshapeImage pImageRectangle
-- same as before, omitting for brevity
end SIV_ReshapeImage

private command SIV_ReshapeSheen pImageRectangle
set the rectangle of group "SheenGroup" of me to pImageRectangle
local tImageWidth, tImageHeight
put (item 3 of pImageRectangle) - (item 1 of pImageRectangle) into tImageWidth
put (item 4 of pImageRectangle) - (item 2 of pImageRectangle) into tImageHeight
--> reshape the gradient rect
local tGradientRectangle, tGradientHeight, tFromPoint, tToPoint, tViaPoint
put pImageRectangle into tGradientRectangle
put trunc(tImageHeight * 0.75) into tGradientHeight
put ((item 2 of tGradientRectangle) + tGradientHeight) into item 4 of tGradientRectangle
put (item 1 of tGradientRectangle), \
(item 2 of tGradientRectangle) \
into tFromPoint
put ((item 1 of tGradientRectangle) + trunc(SIV_SinInDegrees(10) * tGradientHeight)), \
((item 2 of tGradientRectangle) + trunc(SIV_CosInDegrees(10) * tGradientHeight)) \
into tToPoint
put ((item 1 of tGradientRectangle) + trunc(SIV_SinInDegrees(80) * tGradientHeight)), \
((item 2 of tGradientRectangle) - trunc(SIV_CosInDegrees(80) * tGradientHeight)) \
into tViaPoint
set the rectangle of graphic "GradientGraphic" of group "SheenGroup" of me to tGradientRectangle
set the fillGradient["from"] of graphic "GradientGraphic" of group "SheenGroup" of me to tFromPoint
set the fillGradient["to"] of graphic "GradientGraphic" of group "SheenGroup" of me to tToPoint
set the fillGradient["via"] of graphic "GradientGraphic" of group "SheenGroup" of me to tViaPoint
--> reshape the clipping oval
local tClippingRectangle, tXRadius, tYRadius
put trunc(tImageWidth * 1.15) into tXRadius
put trunc(tImageHeight * 0.9) into tYRadius
put ((item 3 of pImageRectangle) - tXRadius), \
((item 4 of pImageRectangle) - tYRadius), \
((item 3 of pImageRectangle) + tXRadius), \
((item 4 of pImageRectangle) + tYRadius) \
into tClippingRectangle
set the rectangle of graphic "ClippingGraphic" of group "SheenGroup" of me to tClippingRectangle
end SIV_ReshapeSheen

private function SIV_SinInDegrees angleInDegrees
return sin(angleInDegrees * pi / 180)
end SIV_SinInDegrees

private function SIV_CosInDegrees angleInDegrees
return cos(angleInDegrees * pi / 180)
end SIV_CosInDegrees

Delete the existing custom control group and hit the "Create" button again. Then double-click to select an image. I downloaded and selected the original image that Scott used - a public domain image from NASA.

I would say that this looks like the original StyledImageViewClass. Next time, we'll take this custom control a bit further, by turning it into a DropTool. Stay tuned...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

StyledImageView custom control in LiveCode

In an effort to get back into native development on MacOS X, I've been working my way through the book 'Cocoa and Objective-C: Up and running' by Scott Stevenson. Chapter 10 (Custom Views and Drawing) describes step by step how to build a StyledImageView class.
And I have to say it looks pretty nice:

Curious as ever, I started to wonder how this same effect could be achieved as a custom control in LiveCode. What do we have conceptually?
- A background gradient behind the image
- An image with a 4px white border
- A drop shadow below the image
- A sheen over the image
The first three items are quite straightforward; but the sheen proved more difficult.

Let's get started. Note that I'm doing all my control creation and property settings via script. Just drop a button onto a new stack, set its script, and click on the button to get the custom control group. The first thing we want is the group itself and gradient background; easy enough:

on mouseUp
local tGroup
CreateCustomControlGroup "StyledImageView", tGroup
CreateBackgroundGraphic tGroup
end mouseUp

private command CreateCustomControlGroup pGroupName, @rGroupId
reset the templateGroup
set the margins of the templateGroup to 0
create group pGroupName
put it into rGroupId
reset the templateGroup
end CreateCustomControlGroup

private command CreateBackgroundGraphic pGroup
reset the templateGraphic
set the style of the templateGraphic to "Rectangle"
set the rectangle of the templateGraphic to 0,0,400,300
set the lineSize of the templateGraphic to 0
set the opaque of the templateGraphic to true
set the fillGradient["type"] of the templateGraphic to "linear"
set the fillGradient["from"] of the templateGraphic to 0,300
set the fillGradient["to"] of the templateGraphic to 0,0
set the fillGradient["via"] of the templateGraphic to 400,300
set the fillGradient["ramp"] of the templateGraphic to \
"0.00000,45,45,45" & return & "1.00000,89,89,89"
create graphic "BackgroundGraphic" in pGroup
reset the templateGraphic
end CreateBackgroundGraphic

Here's the result of clicking on the button:

Now let's add in the image. Something that initially trips up a lot of new LiveCode developers is that an image will happily jump back to its original size if you don't set the 'lockLocation' of the image to "true". Another quirk is that you can't set the borderColor of an image control directly. However, it does 'inherit' the borderColor from the chain of owners (the containing group if applicable, the card or the stack) so to make sure we get a white border, we need to set the borderColor of our custom control group. So the following update to the button script will do nicely:

on mouseUp
local tGroup
CreateCustomControlGroup "StyledImageView", tGroup
CreateBackgroundGraphic tGroup
CreateViewImage tGroup
end mouseUp

private command CreateCustomControlGroup pGroupName, @rGroupId
reset the templateGroup
set the margins of the templateGroup to 0
set the borderColor of the templateGroup to "white"
create group pGroupName
put it into rGroupId
reset the templateGroup
end CreateCustomControlGroup

private command CreateBackgroundGraphic pGroup
-- same as before, omitting for brevity
end CreateBackgroundGraphic

private command CreateViewImage pGroup
reset the templateImage
set the rectangle of the templateImage to 30,30,370,270
set the borderWidth of the templateImage to 4
set the threeD of the templateImage to false
set the showBorder of the templateImage to true
set the resizeQuality of the templateImage to "best"
set the lockLocation of the templateImage to true
create image "ViewImage" in pGroup
reset the templateImage
end CreateViewImage

Delete the existing custom control group, and hit the button again. Here's what you should see:

Next up is the drop shadow for the image. While we could do this by setting the properties in the 'CreateViewImage' command above, I think it's better of we don't repeat code, and put that in the custom control group script - after all, we want to be able to toggle it via script. So let's drop another button on the stack, set its name to "StyledImageView Behavior" and start scripting that button. Later on, we'll set the 'behavior' property of the custom control group.

The most important item in the behavor script is handling resizing. We want to leave a margin of 10% around the image so that we can see the gradient background, and we want to scale the image proportionately rather than stretch it out. While we're add it, we'll add some custom property setters and getters for the drop shadow and the image file name. And we'll add a 'mouseDoubleUp' handler to allow the user to select an image. Here is the first version of the behavior script:

## engine message handlers

on mouseDoubleUp
answer file "Select an image to view"
if it is empty then exit mouseDoubleUp
set the imageFileName of me to it
pass mouseDoubleUp
end mouseDoubleUp

on resizeControl
pass resizeControl
end resizeControl

## property setters and getters

setProp showShadow pShowShadowBoolean
if pShowShadowBoolean is "true" then
local tDropShadow
put 0,0,0 into tDropShadow["color"]
put 8 into tDropShadow["size"]
put 6 into tDropShadow["distance"]
put 90 into tDropShadow["angle"]
put 0 into tDropShadow["spread"]
put 255 into tDropShadow["opacity"]
put "normal" into tDropShadow["blendmode"]
put "box3pass" into tDropShadow["filter"]
put true into tDropShadow["knockout"]
set the dropShadow of image "ViewImage" of me to tDropShadow
set the dropShadow of image "ViewImage" of me to empty
end if
pass showShadow
end showShadow

setProp imageFileName pFileName
set the fileName of image "ViewImage" of me to pFileName
end imageFileName

getProp imageFileName
return the fileName of image "ViewImage" of me
end imageFileName

## private commands and functions

private command SIV_ReshapeControl
local tImageRectangle
SIV_DetermineImageRectangle tImageRectangle
SIV_ReshapeImage tImageRectangle
end SIV_ReshapeControl

private command SIV_DetermineImageRectangle @rImageRectangle
-- 10% margin around the image while preserving the aspect ratio
local tSourceWidth, tSourceHeight, tTargetWidth, tTargetHeight
put the formattedWidth of image "ViewImage" of me into tSourceWidth
put the formattedHeight of image "ViewImage" of me into tSourceHeight
put (the width of me) * 0.8 into tTargetWidth
put (the height of me) * 0.8 into tTargetHeight
-- make sure we don't get divide by zero errors
if tSourceWidth = 0
then put 1 into tSourceWidth
if tSourceHeight = 0
then put 1 into tSourceHeight
local tScaleFactor, tImageWidth, tImageHeight
put min(tTargetWidth / tSourceWidth, tTargetHeight / tSourceHeight) into tScaleFactor
put trunc(tSourceWidth * tScaleFactor) into tImageWidth
put trunc(tSourceHeight * tScaleFactor) into tImageHeight
local tLeft, tTop
put (the left of me) + (((the width of me) - tImageWidth) div 2) into tLeft
put (the top of me) + (((the height of me) - tImageHeight) div 2) into tTop
put tLeft,tTop,(tLeft + tImageWidth),(tTop + tImageHeight) into rImageRectangle
end SIV_DetermineImageRectangle

private command SIV_ReshapeBackground
set the rectangle of graphic "BackgroundGraphic" of me to the rectangle of me
end SIV_ReshapeImage

private command SIV_ReshapeImage pImageRectangle
set the rectangle of image "ViewImage" of me to pImageRectangle
end SIV_ReshapeImage

So just a little tweak to our 'Create' button script is required to set the behavior and activate the drop shadow:

on mouseUp
local tGroup
CreateCustomControlGroup "StyledImageView", tGroup
CreateBackgroundGraphic tGroup
CreateViewImage tGroup
set the behavior of tGroup to the long id of button "StyledImageView Behavior"
set the showShadow of tGroup to true

end mouseUp

private command CreateCustomControlGroup pGroupName, @rGroupId
-- same as before, omitting for brevity
end CreateCustomControlGroup

private command CreateBackgroundGraphic pGroup
-- same as before, omitting for brevity
end CreateBackgroundGraphic

private command CreateViewImage pGroup
-- same as before, omitting for brevity
end CreateViewImage

One more thing to do before we call it a day: handle the 'resizeStack' message in the card script, so that we automatically resize the custom control group as the user changes the stack size. Just plop the following into the card script:

on resizeStack pNewWidth, pNewHeight
if there is a group "StyledImageView" then
local tRectangle
put the rectangle of group "StyledImageView" into tRectangle
put pNewWidth into item 3 of tRectangle
put pNewHeight into item 4 of tRectangle
set the rectangle of group "StyledImageView" to tRectangle
end if
pass resizeStack
end resizeStack

Delete the existing custom control group and hit the button again. The embedded image control now has a nice drop shadow, which we can turn off and on using the message box or by scripting a simple checkbox button.

And when you double-click on the custom control, you can select an image file and the embedded image control automagically reshapes in order to display the chosen image file proportionately.

Looks good doesn't it? Next time, we'll tackle the sheen. It's tricky, but it can be done!